Survey 15th Congress of the European Skull Base Society

Important message:
EACCME® credits Each participant can only receive the number of credits he/she is entitled to according to his/her actual participation at the event once he/she has completed the feedback form.

1) Quality of the event

Not useful (1)
Extremely useful (4)

Very poor (1)
Excellent (4)
Very poor (1)
Excellent (4)

2) Relevance of the event

Not at all (1)
Very much (4)
Not at all (1)
Very much (4)
Not useful (1)
Extremely useful (4)
Not useful (1)
Extremely useful (4)
Not useful (1)
Extremely useful (4)
Not useful (1)
Extremely useful (4)
Not useful (1)
Extremely useful (4)
Not useful (1)
Extremely useful (4)

3) Suitability of formats used during the event

Never (1)
Always/Almost always (4)

4) Ways the event affects clinical practice

Not at all (1)
Very much (4)

5) Commercial bias

No (1)
Yes, all (4)

Strongly disagree (1)
Strongly agree (4)